Zinser Systems
Worsted spinning
Zinser Systems offer a wide range of specialized ring spinning solutions from bale to yarn. Starting from the blow room and carding, Zinser Systems is designed to ensure the excellent processing of fibres. Efficient and intelligent ring spinning machinery guarantee high yarn quality.
Zinser Systems offer a wide range of specialized ring spinning solutions from bale to yarn. Starting from the blow room and carding, Zinser Systems is designed to ensure the excellent processing of fibres. Efficient and intelligent ring spinning machinery guarantee high yarn quality.
Process line for worsted yarn

Your benefits
- Effective cost control, strong financial planning security, coordinated and fast installation, high level technical and technological services
- Market proven yarn quality
- Full quality and production data control and transparency
- Comfortable and common display for all machines
- Complete automation offers with competent engineering
- Great Price Performance Ratio of full package and attractive financing packages

Worsted spinning
From fibre disintegration through all five spinning processes to the package – Saurer is the only manufacturer in the world to offer a perfectly matched system for every textile application. It provides you with a turnkey solution from Saurer for every yarn, every quality and every market requirement. We invite you to take advantage of this comprehensive solution.
With its worsted ring spinning and compact spinning machines, Saurer sets an unsurpassed standard for quality and economy in the worsted yarn industry. The self-cleaning compact system is inured to wool grease, textile lubricants, and finishing agents and makes it possible to use it in wool processing and the Impact FX unit is the recognised market leader.
Worsted yarns are spun in different qualities and yarn counts. They are used in the fields of outerwear and home textiles (carpets). Worsted compact yarns are ideal for high-quality outerwear, e.g. fine garments, fine knitwear and trendy functional clothing. Zinser Systems enables you to meet the high demands of your customers at all times.

Typical textile applications with worsted yarn
- Carpets
- Suits
- Sport wears

Suits with worsted compact yarn
The most important features
- High tenacity and elongation
- High evenness
- Less hairiness
- Excellent wearing properties
- High surface lustre
- Complete process chain included twisting

Sports wears with worsted compact yarn
The most important features
- High tenacity and elongation
- Excellent wearing properties
- Best maintenance properties

Carpets with worsted yarn
The most important features
- High tenacity
- Long life time
- Optimum care characteristics
- Complete process chain included twisting

With a single program, you can now manage your Saurer machines. Senses bundles and analyzes production, quality and performance data. Secure and from everywhere.
Strong and reliable life-cycle partnership.
Unique smart solutions to increase the benefit to the customer.
Notable performance and sustainability throughout the machine lifetime.
We keep you competitive.
Contact us
Should you have questions about our products or require additional guidance, kindly get in touch with your local contact person. As your partner, we pride ourselves in providing expert and swift support.