Saurer 2024 Spinning Technology Summit Forum

"Shaping the Future of Textiles" - Saurer 2024 Spinning Technology Summit Forum was successfully held from 31 May to 1 June for Chinese customers. Dong Kuiyong, President of China Cotton Textile Industry Association, Gu Ping, President of CTMA and other leaders from government and industry associations and more than 200 customers from the cotton textile industry attended the forum. During the two-day event, experts and industry peers gathered to exchange in-depth views on the current status of the industry, analyse cutting edge situations, interpret the latest policies, understand new technologies, and visit the Saurer Factory and Technology Center, as well as Saurer's distinguished customer DiW Ruihong Factory.

The Spinning Technology Summit Forum was successfully held on the morning of 31 May. Saurer will lead the transformation of textiles with the transformation of intelligent textile machinery, and contribute to the construction of China's cotton textile and garment industry to support and strengthen the production chain, and support the closed-loop production process and the whole textile process chain. The meeting was supported by two important partners, GERON CLOTH and SHUANGQING. In the morning session of the conference, Mr. Pan Xueping, President of Saurer Group, hold an important speech, emphasising that the use of high-end intelligent equipment is a prerequisite for achieving technological breakthroughs in the cotton spinning industry. Saurer has a history of more than 170 years, and as a global high-end textile machinery manufacturer, our philosophy is to provide high-end, intelligent, environmentally friendly and digital products and services to our spinning customers.

On the afternoon of 31 May, about 200 participants visited the Saurer factory and held special technical exchanges and industry roundtable meetings in the hall and conference room of the Innovation Centre. The special technical exchanges in the auditorium were hosted by Mrs. Yang Qiaoyun, deputy general manager of Saurer's factory. Mr. Yan Xuxin, Mr. Wu Finlay, Mr. Zhang Zuyi and Mr. Cai Hao, Saurer's specialists for various product lines, gave in-depth introductions to the latest technology and explained the various product lines of Saurer step by step. The demonstration and presentation of blowroom and carding, ring spinning, rotor spinning, Texparts components and Saurer's latest Autoairo air spinning technology attracted great attention and detailed inquiries from customers. Furthermore, we presented the interim results of our in-depth work in the field of digitalisation and the new highlights of the Senses data analysis software. At the round table meeting held in the conference room, Mr. Pei Guoqing, General Manager of the Saurer Factory, discussed the current situation of the industry in depth with representatives of several companies and extensively exchanged the latest viewpoints and opinions.

On the evening of 31 May, a glamorous "Saurer Night" dinner was successfully held with the participation of more than 100 customers. At the event, Mr. Pan Jack, President of Saurer China, introduced the origin and history of the new Saurer Group and the old SAURER company. Under the new competitive environment, Saurer can make full use of its global synergy advantages and will surely provide better services to customers in China.

Pan Xueping_Spinning Technology Summit Forum
“We are always happy to be with our customers and share the latest news about spinning with them to better understand their needs for the future. This enables us to better shape the future of textiles.“
Pan Xueping_Spinning Technology Summit Forum
Pan Xueping
President of the Saurer Group

On the morning of 1 June, the participants took a bus to the DiW Ruihong factory for the final activity of the forum: a tour of the Ruihong textile factory, part of the DiW Group. Covering a total area of 536 hectares, the Ruihong factory has a planned total production capacity of more than 500,000 spindles. Basically, the whole line uses Saurer machinery equipment. At present, 320,000 spindles are in production and a further 200,000 spindles are being installed and prepared for production. Mr. Liu Yiming, Chairman of DiW, said at the event that the efficient, reliable and stable performance characteristics of Saurer machines in practice provide spinning companies with a precise and controllable basis for management and operation. During the visit, the overall operational performance of Saurer's equipment received high praise from the DiW Group, and the actual implementation of Saurer's Senses data analyis software also impressed many of the visitors.